answered the phone. a) but a) so b) so b) because c) because c) but Grammar Focus and, but, so, because (conjunctions). Level Intermediate. ANSWER KEY.
Conjunctions exercise - English Grammar Oct 23, 2011 · Complete the following sentences with an appropriate conjunction. Answers 1. John smokes but his brother doesn’t. 2. Neither Alice nor Mary has come. 3. She Conjunctions and Linking Words - PDF Worksheets - English ... Conjunctions and Linking Words. Worksheets are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced. CON002 - Conjunctions and Linking Words Intermediate. Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise - GrammarBank Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise Choose the correct conjunction. 1. I did my best to pass my English exam yet / so I failed. 2. I will get my car serviced and / for there is something wrong with the brakes. 3. The suspect went to the airport and / yet tried to use a license that had his brother's identification on it or / but he got caught. 4.
Definitions, examples, types of conjunctions, list of Coordinating, Correlative and Exercises: Conjunctions Exercises 1 (Intermediate) Conjunctions PDF Exercises You better give us an extra explanation in every answer on the exercises. Exercise 9: Combine the two sentences into one using the conjunction in parentheses. 12. Exercise 10: Insert a conjunction in the blank. 13. Answer Key. 14. Conjunction Exercise – Later Conjunctions – ANSWER KEY. Instructions: Choose the best word to fill in the blanks in each sentence. Choose from these two Subordinating Conjunction Exercises Answers: 1 – whenever, 2 – where, 3 – if, 4 – unless, 5 – though, 6 – whether, 7- so Correlative Conjunction Exercises. Worksheets are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating, correlative, subordinating. Coordinating: Conjunctions: Identification Exercise – ANSWER KEY. There are
Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions Worksheet ... Underline the Conjunction in a Sentence and Identify Conjunctions as Coordinating or Subordinating. Identifying Conjunctions. Mark Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions. Writing Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions. Download All + Answer Keys View All. See Answer Key Print Worksheet. Explore Even More Ways To Learn! I'm looking for. Conjunctions Exercises with Answers - HitBullsEye Check your level of preparation with the practice exercises based on Conjunction. The answer keys and explanations are given for the same. DIRECTIONS for questions: Point out the Conjunctions in the following sentences, and state whether they are Coordinating or Subordinating: You will not succeed unless you work harder. Correlative Conjunctions | Exercise | Correlative Conjunctions will help students practice this key fifth grade skill. Try our free exercises to build knowledge and confidence. Teach your third grader how to write two-thought sentences with these exercises that use conjunctions to merge shorter sentences into one. Conjunctions Worksheets and Activities | Ereading Worksheets
Conjunctions worksheet for grade 6 - Learn English Conjunctions worksheet for grade 6. Posted by Manjusha. Filed in CBSE Grade 6 Grammar Worksheets. Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. Choose your answers from the options given below. {as, because, so, and, but, though, if, although, when, before, until, unless} Notes. The same conjunction can be used in more than List of Conjunctions used in English List of Conjunctions used in English Conjunctions join words, phrases and clauses together. This article provides a brief ANSWERS We ate a pizza and a kebab. We had some cake but we didn’t have any coffee. I had a headache so I didn’t go to the party. You can have a … GRAMMAR AND MECHANICS Using Conjunctions
Conjunctions are words that join parts of the sentence. They may join two similar parts of speech, such as two adjectives, two verbs, or two nouns. Conjunctions may also connect two clauses. Coordinating conjunctions unite two independent clauses and subordinating conjunctions join one dependent clause and one independent clause.
Conjunctions Exercises with Answers – Worksheet: Complete the following worksheet on conjunctions. Download: Conjunction Exercises with Answers pdf